
Ken Whatmore…

Follower of Christ

Husband and Father




 I’m not so eloquent.  My best attempts at being a ‘Fancy’ writer always end with my style being that of my speak.  Exception; when I phrase things that way.

I’m just learning how to build this blog.  I’m not exactly sure how to move the pictures to the places on the page where I want them to find rest.  learning.

Here’s what I do know- right now I am supposed to do this.  Not because I feel like I am being called to it.  No words from the Lord here, no claims of my purpose being laid out in a vision for me.  But I am supposed to do this.  Frankly, I think that I have to kick myself into gear on a few things in order to get them accomplished.  Maybe this is just the easiest ‘first’ thing.

Somewhere in this shell is an artist.  Not a very good one, but there is a guy who likes to sculpt and draw and paint.  I love to act and make music, and … I want to write something.  I’ve always wanted to write something.

So here I go.  Adding to the list below ‘Coach’…. Writer!